Provisional status

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Re: Provisional status

Post by nwadc10 »

kevinh wrote:
nwadc10 wrote:The Indoc Exam is purely based on the Pilot Manual. Answers to all questions will be found in that document.

A new Pilot Manual is due for publishing very soon and a completely rewritten Indoc Exam to go with it. Your Provisional status requirements within 14 days is extended to 14 days after the publishing of the Pilot Manual so don't sweat it that you don't have access to the new Indoc Exam yet.
Thanks Justin, that's good to know. As I've already read the current manual I'd better take the test now before the new one comes out. :lol:

The manual you may have read is old! The new manual is a complete rewrite and was supposed to be published before we opened applications but hit a snag in its development.
Justin Erickson, Captain #1040
Chief Executive Officer
Globe Cargo PIREP (GCP) Developer
Vatsim ID: 871725

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