Chief Pilot Positions

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Chief Pilot Positions

Post by jcwaugh747 »

Since the posting went up for Chief Pilots and assistants I have received a few questions from people asking if the position required any certain degree of knowledge of specific aircraft. The answer is – NO! Other than the requirement of being a Captain for the C/P or Captain or F/O for the Assistant Slots, there is no specific level of knowledge required for the position. What is required however, is to possess the strong desire to learn as much as possible about the particular aircraft, so as to be able to help others.

In real world carriers, the people with the greatest degree of systems and procedure knowledge are usually the folks who teach Ground School and they are usually not rated pilots. The Check Airman will usually have an above average knowledge base of the aircraft, coupled with strong pilot skills. The Chief Pilots will be all over the spectrum and it is not unusual to find a Chief Pilot with little knowledge of the particular aircraft, having been hired into a management position because of thier management skills and then trained on an aircraft, without prior experience on that aircraft. After all, they are managers, not Chuck Yeager’s….lol It is also not unusual to see Assistant Chief Pilots being hired from the First Officer ranks.

In our situation, we plan to provide the folks who take on the C/P and Asst. C/P slots with specialized training and assistance, to become very knowledgeable about generalized pilot/flight subjects, as well as areas specific to their fleet.

So Please, if you are teetering on the fence, desiring to apply for any of the positions, but might be a bit hesitant out of feeling a bit intimidated by what you thought might be expected in the screening process? Do Apply!!!!

We have a lot of folks here with a wealth of knowledge regarding a lot of subjects, if you are one of those folks, or might lack the knowledge but have a strong desire to learn, Please do not hesitate to apply.

PS: Please also feel free to message me if you may have any questions about these positions.
PSS: Please hurry up, the 18th is getting close.
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