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Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:01 pm
by AmundRe
Evening All,
I'm considering making the switch to P3D as some of you have done already, mostly for the performance boost and since FSX is beginning to show it's age faster and faster it seems.
Before I do though, I want to make sure it's worth the investment. Not just the program, but the PMDG aircraft as well, or should I say especially. $135 for the Triple 7, yikes! :shock:
Those that have it, can you please share with me your thoughts, good and bad, and opinion as to whether it'd be better to make the switch now, or wait until it's more vetted and FSX is completely unusable?

System Specs: AMD FX-9370 3.8GHz - GeForce GTX970 Graphics Card - Windows 7 Pro

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:18 am
by esurfman
Would be interested to know myself.

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:57 am
by jfriz
Hi Joppich, and others,
I made the switch some time ago, and never looked back...Do you really need the B777-300 ? Why not stick with -200, for awhile.... Save for the B747-800. And you won't have to rebuy it for P3D.
Make sure you get the v3.1
Good news is most of the best add-ons work now, ASN, REX, FTX some...

Good luck,
Jerry Friz

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:19 pm
by nwadc10
I too switched after a final frustrating experience with FSX and the 777. I may have mentioned it in another post but I'm not sure so I'll briefly explain it again.

I was trying to do a flight in the 777 and it was running fine. 45 minutes of prep, a few minutes for startup and a few minutes to taxi just to reach the end of the runway and FSX would lock up. Two attempts later with the same exact fate with no clues in the windows event viewer I'd had enough. I switched to P3D that day and I was hoping to hear 74v2 would be out shortly rather than re-buy the 777 but it wasn't going to happen. I ended up re-buying the 777 for P3D, the -200 only which remember includes the -F model.

I experienced no issues with starting P3D and the 777 with the possible exception of the uiautomationcore.dll problem that FSX sometimes has. I can't remember if that was FSX or P3D that did that as I had a fresh install of FSX around the same time as P3D. If it was P3D, the fix is known and I applied the fix. There wasn't so much a performance boost in P3D but it is much more stable. They figured out how to much better handle the dumping of old scenery files which greatly reduces the OOM errors FSX often has. P3D also looks better out of the box and has more features, many of which don't apply to airline flying. A new feature is a built in "free roam" camera even with an avatar if you wish that allows you to walk around the airplane, a feature that in the past required an addon.

The problem I ran into with P3D was on long flights. Maybe 7-8 hours in it started pausing for about 10 seconds every few seconds (paused longer than not). I couldn't find much information about it but I fixed it by closing the program and loading the autosaved flight. The flight completed without issue after that. That's the only real negative thing I've found so far. My hair has started growing back after I quit pulling it out when I dumped FSX.

If you can afford it, I'd say pull the trigger on P3D and repurchase the 777. You don't get any new eye candy or anything, it works just like it does in FSX but you gain much more stability. GCP also works with P3D, just point the FSX folder options in GCP to the P3D folders.

And as Jerry mentioned, many addons already work with P3D. You'll just have to download their P3D installer, the important addons provide that free.

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:20 am
by chevol
I am tempted too... My pc is now more than 6 years old, a new one would run with W10, would it be ok for P3D?


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:20 am
by Brogs
Well for the past Month I have had nothing but problems with FS9 and FSX, I am getting truly pissed off with them both. I fix one bug and another turns up, I am going to uninstall all of them and start afresh. its been a pain in the arse I can tell you, FS9 has been running free of Problems until I decided to concentrate on FSX and see if I can run that error free, well that was wishful thinking and no mistake , so off back to FS9 and I have had bug after bug, can Flight Simulators get jealous ? because that's what is like, FS9 got pissed off with me going to FSX so when I returned its making me pay bigtime. lol

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:58 pm
by AmundRe
Brogs wrote:can Flight Simulators get jealous ? because that's what is like, FS9 got pissed off with me going to FSX so when I returned its making me pay bigtime. lol
It's the ghost in the Machine Brogs, watch out! :lol:

Thanks for the input Gentlemen. I've decided that once the 744 QOTS v2 comes out I'll make the switch. Now to convince House 6 to let me spend the money on it. :lol:

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:25 pm
by John Khan
Aha, Thank you all, just what I was looking for.

After being away from flightsimming for 2 years, I am back and wow, things have changed.

I came back to GCVA, and started trying to fly again , finding have similar problems as Brogs, neither FS9 or FSX work well. The old PMDG 747s were terrible although the 777 works OK on my system. The iFly 747 is brilliant.

I have removed FS9 completely, so have to say a sad bye bye to the beloved RFPs . After contacting Justin about another matter, he suggested looking at P3D.

I looked on the site and a few You Tube videos and it looks great. When I check the P3D site and the different licenses available, I am confused. The variations from Pro, academic etc. - not to mention the prices...

Which one do we need for the best performance? I am one who likes some pretty scenery, but more important is that the aircraft behave as close as possible to reality.

I have a fairly good system....

AMD 8 Core FX 8320 3.6 gig,
Samsung 256 gig SSD for the op. system (still Windows 7 64 choice). 16 gig GB 7.6 ram.
A second SSD 125 gig, just for FSX,
GE Force 760 GTX video.

So it should run things OK.

My main request s are:

which license do we get?
Should I update to a newer Windows?
Is the P3D a 64 bit thing?
Do we have to get new downloads for aircraft we already have in FSX, and pay for them again??

Regards and thanks again

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:52 am
by nwadc10
John Khan wrote: My main request s are:

which license do we get?
Should I update to a newer Windows?
Is the P3D a 64 bit thing?
Do we have to get new downloads for aircraft we already have in FSX, and pay for them again??

Regards and thanks again
The license depends on the intended use of the product. The sotware itself is the same for Academic and Professional but the Academic will have an Academic License watermark in the upper right corner of the screen. Very small and really not noticeable.

Upgrading Windows is not required. Personally, I upgraded all of my computers to Windows 10 and I like it and have not had any problems with it. Others have had issues and others yet just don't like Windows 10. So upgrading is entirely up to you.

P3D is not yet 64bit. They are working on 64bit and hopefully the next release will have it.

As for your existing products, many addon companies have created a P3D installer that you can download free. I know the big ones like ActiveSky, etc all have free installer downloads if you purchased for FSX. PMDG on the other hand does have P3D installers but you are required to repurchase the product and at a higher price than FSX. The vast majority of products though provide a new installer for free. Then going forward of course, purchase the P3D version of an addon on your initial purchase.

Let us know what you think of P3D when you get it up and running.

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:00 am
by Saber104
I switched to P3D V3 without thinking of the consequences to Globe Cargo Ops. How do you get the 747 installed in the P3D?

BTW, Great product!

Neal #2991

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:53 am
by John Khan
Thanks Justin

I have P3D V3.2 on its' own hard drive where FSX was. FSX is now off the PC and saves on an outside hard drive. Funny, FSX must have been listening or reading the posts because the last couple of times I used it, it worked perfectly!

Anyhow ,I decided to change and have made a couple of trial flights.
I found the Real Air Turbine Duke installed straight onto P3D, but I can't get the iFly 747, which I bought only 2 weeks ago to install, it keeps giving me an "invalid key" message. The same with the Flight 1 B200 King Air. I re-downloaded both P3D versions but they wouldn't get past that "invalid key" thing.

AS Next went on fine after downloading a complete new one.

Where is the Flights folder? I'm trying to get FSCommander to update, it finds the P3d but can't find the flights.

Anyway I'm enjoying the new sim and hope to get lots more stuff for it when we can afford it.

The P3D sim itself seems very good. Excellent standard scenery, and everything runs very smoothly on my system.

Thanks for the help

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:23 am
by nwadc10
Saber104 wrote:Gents,
I switched to P3D V3 without thinking of the consequences to Globe Cargo Ops. How do you get the 747 installed in the P3D?

BTW, Great product!

Neal #2991
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think the only way to get PMDG to work in P3D is to repurchases it for P3D. I'm no expert but I've read that PMDG's code looks deep into the system to find out what sim it's running in and if it finds P3D when it was purchased for FSX, it shuts down. There's no fooling it into thinking it's in FSX though it used to work a while ago. Again, I'm no expert and maybe there is a trick as what I read about it is now several months old.

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:48 am
by Saber104
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think the only way to get PMDG to work in P3D is to repurchases it for P3D. I'm no expert but I've read that PMDG's code looks deep into the system to find out what sim it's running in and if it finds P3D when it was purchased for FSX, it shuts down. There's no fooling it into thinking it's in FSX though it used to work a while ago. Again, I'm no expert and maybe there is a trick as what I read about it is now several months old.
Thanks for the reply. However, I need to clarify. I know I have to repurchase the 737 NGX and 777 for P3D. Comparatively, the original PMDG 747 does not have a P3D installer (I'm aware the PMDG 747 V2 will be P3D compatible when released). As you are well aware, the PMDG 747 "V1" is required to accomplish Globe Cargo board flights.

Any further thoughts?

Thanks. Neal

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:23 pm
by John Khan

Further to my above, I put in a new folder to P3D and called it "Flight" because there wasn't one. GCP is now, - I hope, - connected.

I realize we have to repurchase the PMDG aircraft, but what about Flight 1? Unfortunately we can't afford anything else at this time so the GC flight bid might be postponed for a couple of weeks.

I have downloaded AS Next for P3D and put in the old FSX registration, that also worked OK. it has connected with P3D fine.

The other thing I can't find is the - scenery.cfg - which seems to be required for the FS Commander, (which I use for flight planning), to read the scenery in P3D.

Unfortunately with my vision problems, it is hard to search through forums for answers to some questions.

I'll keep trying and playing.

Re: Considering the switch to P3d

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:06 pm
by nwadc10
Saber104 wrote:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think the only way to get PMDG to work in P3D is to repurchases it for P3D. I'm no expert but I've read that PMDG's code looks deep into the system to find out what sim it's running in and if it finds P3D when it was purchased for FSX, it shuts down. There's no fooling it into thinking it's in FSX though it used to work a while ago. Again, I'm no expert and maybe there is a trick as what I read about it is now several months old.
Thanks for the reply. However, I need to clarify. I know I have to repurchase the 737 NGX and 777 for P3D. Comparatively, the original PMDG 747 does not have a P3D installer (I'm aware the PMDG 747 V2 will be P3D compatible when released). As you are well aware, the PMDG 747 "V1" is required to accomplish Globe Cargo board flights.

Any further thoughts?

Thanks. Neal
Ah, I didn't even realize v1 wasn't available for P3D. That does make it a bit more complicated. A 767 is also able to be your only aircraft to fly at GC, I haven't looked to see if CS 767 has an installer or even if LDS can be ported to P3D via the back door.

With Atlas' purchase of Southern, I expect the 777 will become a model that would suffice for membership purposes but we haven't executed on that decision yet. It's my intent though that situations such as this that although you don't have a working model of what is required for membership, having a 777 in the hangar will carry one forward to the time when it's officially accepted.