NOTAM - to all pilots

Notices. Read Only.

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Post by BarryTheAviator »

"<!--coloro:#CC0000--><span style=""color:#CC0000""><!--/coloro--><!--sizeo:3--><span style=""font-size:12pt;line-height:100%""><!--/sizeo-->***This NOTAM has been published in the Pilot Manual***<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> This NOTAM is in force with immediate effect. Removal from Roster. The procedure for removing a Pilot for the Globe Cargo roster has been changed and will be applied as follows. 1. A Pilot who does not BID in any month, or FLY a route for which he/she bid in the previous month will be liable for dismissal. 2. Pilots, in their first month of joining and pilots who have been granted a Leave of Absence for the month in question are exempt from this requirement. 3. Pilots who are liable for dismissal for this cause will be sent one email by their Regional Manager or Deputy Regional Manager asking for an explanation of the failure. 4. If within 7 days the Regional Manager (or Deputy Regional Manager) have not received a satisfactory explanation they may remove the Pilot from the roster, without the right of appeal. Explanation The above is more rigorous than the previous procedure but remember that the way to avoid this happening is to carry out the minimum requirement of one bid and flight per month. If you cannot do this then request a LOA in time. It is entirely within the RM and DRMs discretion whether to take this ultimate sanction and they will take into account previous flying history in their considerations. Manual Entry of PIREPS A request for the Regional Manager or Assistant Regional Manager to add a PIREP manually will be accepted ONLY if you can provide convincing evidence that the flight being claimed was actually flown. Explanation It is no longer acceptable for a request for a PIREP to be added, just by sending an email requesting it. You must provide evidence (e.g. screenshots, a partial pirep from fsacars or flightkeeper etc)"
Last edited by BarryTheAviator on Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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