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Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 10:57 pm
by John Khan

I have been watching some virtual flights on You Tube, some of which are very interesting, and I'm wondering what people use to look around the virtual cockpits. The latest aircraft available seem to have the VCs as the primary method of flying and, I must say, I have become used to this and find it by far the best.

I use a toggle switch on the stick and the plus and minus keys, which is jerky and not veru efficient. They have a very smooth system, or whatever, to do this including forward, back and sideways movements. Can someone give some ideas please?

Johm :?

Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 11:31 pm
by nwadc10
I use TrackIR 5 Pro. It requires you attach a 3 dot infrared contraption on a headset for head tracking but it's very accurate. I think there's a product out there can do about the same thing with no hardware that you wear and instead uses a computer camera to track your movements.

My hope is that FS supports Occulus Rift, the virtual reality product that puts you right in the action and has the head tracking built in. I read that P3D does have some drivers to support it currently but the function is very basic and more proper functionality will be added later.

Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:37 am
by John Khan
Thanks Justin, I'll have a look

Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 3:39 am
by John Khan
I see the TrackIR5 and the Pro. Is the Pro just to attach to a headset, or for anything else?

I will definitely be getting one when I can. :mrgreen:

John 8)

Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:04 am
by nwadc10
John Khan wrote:I see the TrackIR5 and the Pro. Is the Pro just to attach to a headset, or for anything else?

I will definitely be getting one when I can. :mrgreen:

John 8)
The TrackIR 5 (not Pro) has a clip with reflectors that you attach to a hat and you'd then have to wear a hat, a baseball cap type. The Pro uses the infrared emitters that are designed to be attached to something like a headset. The advantage of Pro is that it isn't relying on a reflected IR and it produces the IR signal. The Pro head tracking is more accurate.

Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:00 pm
by John Khan
That's what I'll get. Thanks again Justin.

Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 8:57 pm
by jacques
Hi John,
That is what I use, as well. It is a very nice system, but can take a bit of experimentation to tune it to your preferences. Wearing glasses and having them reflect light into the sensor can cause some fairly crazy results, fair warning. Best to keep light sources well to your side and behind. I find it very awkward to fly now if I'm not using TrackIR!


Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 11:40 pm
by John Khan
Thanks Jay and Justin.

I'm afraid I'm well past glasses. I'll get this when I can.

Justin. I've sent a report to delete one of the above duplicated posts.


Re: Looking around the virtual cockpit

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 10:15 pm
by nwadc10
jacques wrote:Hi John,
That is what I use, as well. It is a very nice system, but can take a bit of experimentation to tune it to your preferences. Wearing glasses and having them reflect light into the sensor can cause some fairly crazy results, fair warning. Best to keep light sources well to your side and behind. I find it very awkward to fly now if I'm not using TrackIR!

I haven't had that issue and I wear glasses. Are you using the Pro version? I'd be surprised if the Pro version behaves like that since the IR source is from the gadget that you have attached to the headset whereas the non-Pro version is reflecting an IR signal that originates at the "camera" and has to be bounced back with the hat clip. I could be wrong of course but I personally haven't had any issues with conflicting signals and movements with the Pro version.