A Polar & Atlas Air Virtual Airline

Globe Cargo News

POLL: Interest in Spring (formerly Teespring) Products

Here it is folks, our first poll on the new website!

Management has been discussing the possibility of offering GCVA branded products via Spring (formerly Teespring.) We'd like to find out if there is any interest before we develop the product options.

There are a couple of goals with the use of products from Spring.

First, we would like to offer official "swag" to our members. Not everyone who applies gets to become a member of GCVA and some may like to show what they have accomplished. There will be little to no markup on these products and sold at cost.

Additionally, there are some products we'd like to offer free of charge with the exception of shipping costs for major achievements in a members' career here at GCVA. One such achievement would be the promotion to Captain. We plan on offering a particular product to our new Captain upgrades (Upgrade Exam passed and rank changed to CA) free of charge for the product itself - you earned it and we are happy to send you something to recognize your achievement! There are other possibilites for products that could be offered free of charge as well but that will be decided at a later date.

So please, let us know what you think about purchasing or receiving products from Spring by answering the poll on this post. Thank you for your participation!

Here is a quick proof-of-concept coffee mug for demonstration purposes. There are many other types of products available.

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X-Plane Repaints

A new page has been added for X-Plane repaints. Find it by going to Aircraft->Repaints for X-Plane. The page is separate from P3D/FSX repaints to avoid any confusion as to which sim you're downloading repaints for.

Brian Smith will be managing XPL repaints and he has uploaded a few already.

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Adding Support for Zibo 737 in XPL

In an effort to increase our support of X-Plane (XPL), an evaluation of add-on aircraft is underway.

The first add-on to become officially supported since our launch of XPL support is the Zibo 737.  A great thing about the Zibo mod is that it is free!  You can find more information at the Zibo facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/zibocommunity/

Download Zibo from the Google Drive link: Zibo Mod

Brian Smith will manage the XPL repaints and there are a few repaints already uploaded.  XPL repaints can be found by going to Aircraft->Repaints for X-Plane.

We are looking for other models to fill out our current roster ("fantasy" models to be considered later.) If you know of a good model that has a lot of systems modeled please send a note to me on Discord or a PM on the forum.

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Updated Schedule for June

The schedule has been updated and will be available to bid on during the next bid period.  Below are the stats associated with the new schedule.

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Change to Training Center (Moodle) Login!

Our login system has been improved and effective immediately, your login for the Training Center, the exam portion of the site, is the same login credentials as this website.  Login with your Pilot Number as the username and your current website password.

The two systems are linked. This means that when you update your password on the website it will also be updated for the Training Center.

The change will also alleviate and streamline new applicants. Until now, it could take half an hour before an applicant account is created in the Training Center which caused much confusion and emails to staff from our new applicants. This new method now creates initial credentials in the Training Center instantaneously so our new prospective members can get their Entrance Exam underway immediately.

(Our Training Center software uses the freeware "Moodle" system and may be used interchangeably with "Training Center" or "Exam Center.")

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